Development and validation of a logistic regression-derived algorithm for estimating the incremental probability of coronary artery disease before and after exercise testing

Field Value
Model ID92-015-02
Model NameMorise 1992 - Postexercise EKG
Pubmed ID1401621
First AuthorMorise
JournalJournal of the American College of Cardiology
TitleDevelopment and validation of a logistic regression-derived algorithm for estimating the incremental probability of coronary artery disease before and after exercise testing
Primary Index ConditionCoronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Secondary Index ConditionN/A
OutcomeCoronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Model Sample Size590
Cohort Sample Size1888
Number of Events243
Follow-Up DurationDiagnosis
Calibration Reported1
CovariatesTo be updated
Mesh TermsTo be updated
Number of Validations2

External Validations

1st Author Year Sample Size AUC Calibration Relatedness
Fearon 2002 1282 0.77 No N/A
Morise 1992 1023 0.783 Yes N/A