Mortality risk prediction in cardiac surgery: comparing a novel model with the EuroSCORE

Field Value
Model ID11-059-01
Model NameBerg 2011 - Model 1, Preop
Pubmed ID21288212
First AuthorBerg
JournalActa Anaesthesiologica Scandinavia
TitleMortality risk prediction in cardiac surgery: comparing a novel model with the EuroSCORE
Primary Index ConditionCardiac Surgery
Secondary Index ConditionN/A
Model Sample Size5029
Cohort Sample Size5029
Number of Events135
Follow-Up DurationShort (<3 months)
Calibration Reported1
CovariatesAge above 68 years; Degree of urgency: standard waiting list; Degree of urgency: operation within 2 weeks; Degree of urgency: operation within 24 h; Female gender; Serum creatinine (> 140 umol/l); Chronic pulmonary disease; Chronic cardiac insufficiency; Previous cardiac surgery; Operation type: CABG or ASD; Operation type: Pure AVR, AVR and CABG, non-ischaemic mitral valve surgery, or aneurysm of ascending aorta; Operation type: dissection of ascending aorta, or ventricular septum rupture; Operation type: miscellaneous; Intercept
Mesh TermsTo be updated
Number of Validations0

External Validations