Mesh terms: To be updated
Atrial natriuretic peptide levels in the prediction of congestive heart failure risk in frail elderly
Predictors of readmission among elderly survivors of admission with heart failure
Risk-prediction for postoperative major morbidity in coronary surgery
The PROTECT in-hospital risk model: 7-day outcome in patients hospitalized with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction
Risk assessment for incident heart failure in individuals with atrial fibrillation
Prediction of hospital readmission for heart failure: development of a simple risk score based on administrative data
Profile for estimating risk of heart failure
Validated risk score predicts the development of congestive heart failure after presentation with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: results from OPUS-TIMI 16 and TACTICS-TIMI 18
Profile for estimating risk of heart failure