Mesh terms: To be updated
A multicenter risk index for atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Clinical prediction of acute aortic dissection
A risk score to predict arrhythmias in patients with unexplained syncope
Predicting the risk for acute type B aortic dissection in hypertensive patients using anatomic variables
Simple risk model predicts incidence of atrial fibrillation in a racially and geographically diverse population: the CHARGE-AF consortium
Simple risk model predicts incidence of atrial fibrillation in a racially and geographically diverse population: the CHARGE-AF consortium
A simple statistical model for prediction of acute coronary syndrome in chest pain patients in the emergency department
A simple statistical model for prediction of acute coronary syndrome in chest pain patients in the emergency department
Validation of a prediction score model to distinguish acute coronary syndromes from other conditions causing raised cardiac troponin T levels