Mesh terms: To be updated
Quantifying links between stroke and risk factors: a study on individual health risk appraisal of stroke in a community of Chongqing
Short-term prognosis after emergency department diagnosis of TIA
Perioperative stroke and associated mortality after noncardiac, nonneurologic surgery
A cross-sectional study of individuals seeking information on transient ischemic attack and stroke symptoms online: a target for intervention?
Which risk factors are more associated with ischemic rather than hemorrhagic stroke in black Africans?
A new risk scheme to predict ischemic stroke and other thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation: the ATRIA study stroke risk score
Addition of brain and carotid imaging to the ABCD2 score to identify patients at early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack: a multicentre observational study
Rapid identification of high-risk transient ischemic attacks: prospective validation of the ABCD score
Rapid identification of high-risk transient ischemic attacks: prospective validation of the ABCD score