Mesh terms: To be updated
Prediction of risk of death and myocardial infarction in the six months after presentation with acute coronary syndrome: prospective multinational observational study (GRACE)
A score for predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease in adults with raised blood pressure, based on individual patient data from randomised controlled trials
A prognostic score for prediction of cardiac mortality risk after adenosine stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
Risk of assessing mortality risk in elective cardiac operations: age, creatinine, ejection fraction, and the law of parsimony
Risk adjustment for in-hospital mortality of contemporary patients with acute myocardial infarction: the acute coronary treatment and intervention outcomes network (ACTION) registry-get with the guidelines (GWTG) acute myocardial infarction mortality model and risk score
Predicting risk of hospitalization or death among patients with heart failure in the veterans health administration
Predicting mortality in patients with heart failure: a pragmatic approach
Quantification of mortality risk after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
Prediction of heart failure mortality in emergent care: a cohort study