Mesh terms: To be updated
Identification of acute myocardial infarction patients suitable for early hospital discharge after aggressive interventional therapy. Results from the Thrombolysis and Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry.
A new simple risk score in patients with acute chest pain without existing known coronary disease
Traditional risk factors for incident cardiovascular events have limited importance in later life compared with the health in men study cardiovascular risk score
A cardiovascular risk calculator for renal transplant recipients
Prognostic interplay of coronary artery calcification and underlying vascular dysfunction in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Prognostic significance of a predischarge exercise test in risk stratification after unstable angina pectoris
Prediction of cardiovascular death in men undergoing noninvasive evaluation for coronary artery disease
Simplified risk score models accurately predict the risk of major in-hospital complications following percutaneous coronary intervention
Outcome prediction in coronary artery bypass grafting and valve surgery in the Netherlands: development of the Amphiascore and its comparison with the Euroscore