Development of a clinical prediction rule for 30-day cardiac events in emergency department patients with chest pain and possible acute coronary syndrome

Field Value
Model ID12-086-01
Model NameNorth American Chest Pain Rule
Pubmed ID21885156
First AuthorHess
JournalAnnals of Emergency Medicine
TitleDevelopment of a clinical prediction rule for 30-day cardiac events in emergency department patients with chest pain and possible acute coronary syndrome
Primary Index ConditionChest Pain
Secondary Index ConditionN/A
Model Sample Size2718
Cohort Sample Size2718
Number of Events336
Follow-Up DurationShort (<3 months)
Calibration Reported1
CovariatesIschemia on ECG not known to be old; Initial cardiac troponin > 99th percentile; Known coronary artery disease; Pain typical for acute coronary syndrome; Age <= 40 years; 2nd cardiac troponin > 99th percentile; Age 41-50 vs. 51-60 years
Mesh TermsTo be updated
Number of Validations1

External Validations

1st Author Year Sample Size AUC Calibration Relatedness
Aldous 2012 1000 NR No N/A