Role of biological and non biological factors in congestive heart failure mortality: PREDICE-SCORE: a clinical prediction rule

Field Value
Model ID12-079-01
Model NamePrevention of Diabetes Complications in People With Hyperglycaemia in Europe (PREDICE) Score
Pubmed ID23224919
First Authorde la Camara
JournalCardiology Journal
TitleRole of biological and non biological factors in congestive heart failure mortality: PREDICE-SCORE: a clinical prediction rule
Primary Index ConditionChronic Heart Failure (CHF)
Secondary Index ConditionN/A
Model Sample Size600
Cohort Sample Size600
Number of Events98
Follow-Up DurationLong (>6 months)
Calibration Reported1
CovariatesAge <50 years; Age 50-59 years; Age 60-69 years; Age 70-79 years; Age >=80 years; Serum creatinine clearance <77; Serum creatinine clearance 77-100; Serum creatinine clearance 100-150; Serum creatinine clearance 150-200; Serum creatinine clearance >200; Dependent basic daily activities; Physiopathology diagnosis (systolic vs. diastolic); Sodium <135; Sodium 135-145; Sodium >145
Mesh TermsTo be updated
Number of Validations0

External Validations